15 Mar, 2025

Congressional report says failure to replace Cape bridges could be ‘catastrophic’

Local News Without total replacement, experts warn of the need for constant repair that will create a serious gridlock. The Sagamore Bridge in Bourne. A new Congressional report warns that failure to replace Cape Cod’s federally-owned Bourne and Sagamore Bridges could result in “catastrophic” consequences for the region. The report, titled “Cape Cod Bridges Replacement: […]

2 mins read

Former Mass. congressional candidate convicted of violating campaign law

Local News “He lied to the government and to the voters. He abused the campaign finance process and thought he could get away with it.” Beej Das, right, talks to voters at the ISSO Shree Swaminarayan Temple in Lowell in 2018. Erin Clark / The Boston Globe Former Massachusetts congressional candidate Abhijit “Beej” Das was […]

3 mins read