15 Mar, 2025

Why Jrue Holiday believes he’ll be embraced by ‘insane’ Celtics fans

Celtics “I know this is a blue-collar town. They love people that work hard and they put their heart into it.” Jrue Holiday will look to put an already talented Celtics roster over the top in 2023-24. Jonathan Wiggs / The Boston Globe A lot has changed for Jrue Holiday in the span of a […]

5 mins read

‘It really stems from who he is as a person’: WooSox’ Ryan Fitzgerald embraced the Worcester community — and the city repaid him

Red Sox ‘”He makes everybody who comes in contact with him better.” Ryan Fitzgerald has touched the lives of many fans while playing for Worcester. John Tlumacki/Globe Staff The clubhouse located underneath Polar Park’s home dugout is a large, vibrant room adorned with several wooden lockers, most of which look like near-replicas of one another. […]

11 mins read

Like his dad, retiring Mitt Romney embraced moderate conservatism. He fears the GOP has lost its way.

Politics Both Romneys called for a more humane party, one that prioritizes civility and principle over resentments and score-settling. Former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney visits St. Paul’s Lutheran Church while campaigning for president in Berlin, N.H., in 2011. AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File AP By MEAD GRUVER and JONATHAN J. COOPER, Associated Press September 15, 2023 […]

8 mins read