Patriots CB Jack Jones’ gun charges reportedly dropped in exchange for probation, community service
Patriots Jones was arrested on June 16 at Logan Airport after TSA officials reportedly found a pair of guns in his luggage. Jack Jones is reportedly getting his charges dropped following his June arrest. Suzanne Kreiter / Globe staff With the 2023 NFL season just days away from kick-off, Patriots cornerback Jack Jones can reportedly […]
4 mins read
Melrose woman receives probation for assault on Muslim city councilor’s husband
Crime Joan Ditomaso, 68, was also ordered to stay away from Melrose City Councilor Maya Jamaleddine’s family and take an online course about the treatment of Muslims in the U.S. At Malden District Court, Melrose City Councilor Maya Jamaleddine, left, speaks with the media after Joan Ditomaso was sentenced for assaulting Jamaleddine’s husband last year. […]
2 mins read