More wild Atlantic salmon found in U.S. rivers than any time in the past decade, officials say
Environment The salmon were once abundant in American rivers, but factors such as overfishing, loss of habitat and pollution reduced their populations to only a handful of rivers in Maine. Atlantic salmon swim in a pen in Eastport, Maine. AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty and Jason Leighton, File By PATRICK WHITTLE, Associated Press September 6, 2023 […]
3 mins read
Doc Rivers on his future: ‘Do I miss coaching? Let the season go on, and I’ll find that out’
NBA Rivers is teaming with Mike Breen and Doris Burke on the network’s top NBA broadcasting crew. It is Rivers’ second stint with ESPN/ABC. Doc Rivers coached the Celtics during their 2008 NBA championship season. AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File By JOE REEDY, Associated Press October 25, 2023 | 10:47 AM When he was hired by […]
6 mins read