14 Mar, 2025

Somerville City Council wants cops to stop cracking down on cyclists who run red lights

Local News City councilors say traffic enforcement efforts would be better focused elsewhere, such as on motorists who text while driving. Somerville City Council wants police to ease up enforcement of cyclists who run red lights and stop signs. Instead, councilors say, cyclists should be allowed to cruise through the intersections as long as they […]

2 mins read

True Bistro in Somerville will close at the end of the month

Restaurants The upscale, vegan restaurant is known for globally-inspired cuisine. The modern vegan restaurant True Bistro is known for sophisticated fare. Photo by Russ Mezikofsky If you’re a vegan diner, you may be disappointed to hear about the loss of one plant-based food establishment in Somerville this summer. True Bistro, a restaurant serving upscale vegan […]

3 mins read

Here’s what’s going into the long-vacant Star Market in Somerville

Local News Developers plan to build two six-story buildings, which will include housing and ground-floor retail spaces. A long-vacant Star Market grocery store in Somerville’s Winter Hill neighborhood sold for $22 million this week, a step toward turning the blighted property into 288 units of housing. Jake Wilson A long-since-closed Star Market in Somerville is […]

2 mins read